Effects of New York's Fertility Insurance Law on Livestrong Fertility Usage
Findings from the Alliance for Fertility Preservation New York Policy Forum

On January 1, 2020, New York state enacted a law designed to reduce costs for individuals facing infertility by requiring insurance providers to expand coverage of fertility preservation services and IVF. On September 10, 2024, the Alliance for Fertility Preservation hosted a New York Policy Forum that brought together clinicians, survivors, and stakeholders, including Livestrong, to discuss the law’s effects nearly five years later and strategize on future improvements to enhance offerings for those with fertility challenges.
Key Takeaways
- Livestrong Fertility partners with 22 clinics in New York to provide discounted services to approved patients who are at risk for or experiencing infertility as a result of cancer treatment.
- As a result of the law, Livestrong Fertility enrollment in New York has decreased 52% in the past five years. We are thrilled that more people affected by cancer are getting the coverage they need, opening us up to provide services to others who need support.
- New York is one of 18 states that mandate some sort of fertility preservation coverage. Requirements vary by state.
- While the law has resulted in expanded access to fertility care for New Yorkers, those on Medicaid still do not have coverage. In 2020, 0.27% of Livestrong Fertility clients in New York were uninsured. In 2023, that number was over 15%. Livestrong wants to elevate those left behind and continue advocating for equitable access to fertility care for all cancer survivors.
Next Steps
Ahead of the forum, Livestrong hosted an intimate dinner with oncologists, fertility specialists, and cancer survivors to discuss how we can collectively change the fertility landscape for cancer patients. While we are excited to see progress being made, there is still much to be done.
The cancer rate for New Yorkers under 50 is stable. While lung cancer rates are dropping an average of 3.4% annually, breast cancer is rising an average 4.7% annually. Regardless of your diagnosis, preserving your fertility and a chance at a future family is an important decision you have to make quickly when diagnosed. Because New York’s fertility coverage law excludes those enrolled in Medicaid, those least likely to be able to afford that care aren’t benefiting—as seen in the rise of uninsured patients using Livestrong Fertility since 2020. Livestrong’s President & CEO Suzanne Stone spent the week in New York to see how we can change that for the 7.2 million residents currently on Medicaid. Assemblymember Alex Bores is introducing legislation to amend the current law to include Medicaid patients, which Livestrong will be proud to support. We have to do more than cross our fingers on this one. Can you lend your voice to the cause?
Check out our Cancer and Public Policy map to see legislation that is currently being proposed in your state. Do you live in one of the 32 states that still does not mandate any sort of fertility insurance coverage? Join our advocacy mailing list so you stay up to date on ways to get involved with making your voice heard on behalf of cancer survivors.