CancerFit Frequently Asked Questions
Study materials, including a textbook and filming lectures, are housed on our partner website for candidates to work through asynchronously. Once training is completed, candidates will be required to pass the exam. You should plan on approximately 1 – 2 weeks to complete the program.
Livestrong has over 20,000 cancer survivors searching for exercise solutions every year. Once certified, you will be listed according to the zip code you provide. Beginning in September 2024, survivors will be able to search their zip code area to find you. If you are offering online training, you will appear in an online training list.
CancerFit is intended for post-treatment survivors.
We do not currently offer scholarships, as the cost to become certified allows us to cover the cost to provide the training and support cancer survivors.
Certificants can reduce the cost of the initial certification by $50 by agreeing to the following:
• Providing free training to at least two cancer survivors each year of their active certification.
• Providing Livestrong names and contact information for clients who enroll in this program. Livestrong will use that information to share relevant survivorship content with them and follow up with research and survey questions. All feedback will be confidential and in no way impact the certificant.
• Being featured in blog posts, social media posts and other media outlets highlighting the program.
• Being highlighted as a “preferred trainer” on the Livestrong website.
• Sharing at least 1 success story each year from clients who have gone through the program.
Certificants who agree to these terms can use coupon code “VIP” at registration to save $50.
EOST Certification Renewal: $99
A certification is valid for two (2) years following the issuance date of the certification. To recertify, you must complete continuing education, complete the recertification application, and pay the recertification fee. Renewal fees are not able to be discounted.
Yes, there are multiple ways to qualify for taking this certification. You should have a High School or equivalent diploma, Adult CPR & AED certified & have a NASM, ISAA or ACE approved personal trainer certification. If you have alternate qualifications, that’s great! When you register you will be required to upload documentation of your current certifications. Our team reviews every application to ensure that qualified applicants are taking the course.
“Innumerable studies have demonstrated that exercise is associated with better cancer outcomes as well as improved quality of life during all phases of the cancer journey. Now with CancerFit, we have a resource we can trust to deliver the highest quality exercise programs at a facility near them or even their home!“
Neal Fischbach, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, Medical Director, THRIVE Cooperative Center for Wellness

“We need a paradigm shift here… A major effort should be geared toward increasing awareness of the importance of exercise among cancer patients, as well as providers, caregivers, and the general public.“
Kathryn Schmitz, Ph.D., M.P.H., Penn State College of Medicine

“We really find the effects of exercise, specifically for cancer survivors and cancer patients undergoing treatment, are tremendous. It helps us feel less anxious. It helps us feel less depressed. One of the key side effects of some cancer treatment is on the heart, and exercise has tremendous benefit for the heart.“
Dr. Edward Laskowski, co-director of Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine