Students Stronger Together: Q&A with the Livestrong Club

1. What is your name and role?
James: My name is James Coleman, I am a sophomore at JMU, and I am the former vice president of the Livestrong Club at NA.
Brooke: My name is Brooke Fox, faculty sponsor of the Livestrong Club at NA.
Sydnie: My name is Sydnie Simon and I founded the Livestrong Club in 2018 with Ben Lagow. I currently work at the Livestrong Headquarters as an intern in Austin, TX.
Mack: Mack Peterson, past president of Livestrong at NA.
2. What is the Livestrong Club? How did you decide to get involved?
James: The Livestrong Club is a club providing support for people affected by cancer in the local community through fundraisers, promotions, etc. I decided to get involved in my 10th grade year shortly after my grandfather was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.
Brooke: In 2017, after undergoing treatment for colon cancer, I wanted to use my experience to help students and families who are affected by a cancer diagnosis. Livestrong at NA was created with this mission in mind.
Sydnie: Cancer had never touched my life up close until May 2018 when Norfolk Academy placed me in a program that teaches students about the Livestrong Foundation, which led to a lifelong passion ignited in me. The Livestrong Club is a group of students, both in the Upper School and Middle School, that promote living well and being strong while also raising awareness and funds for Livestrong.
Mack: The Livestrong club at Norfolk Academy allows students and teachers to support members of the NA community directly affected by cancer. I decided to get involved because I saw how much of an impact the Livestrong organization was making in people’s lives through the Maymester program.
3. Has a loved one in your life been affected by cancer?
James: In the past 9 months, I lost my grandfather and a close friend to cancer. Watching them both fight their battles at the extremes of the age spectrum was very hard.
Brooke: In addition to my own diagnosis, my father died of brain cancer in 2010.
Sydnie: I have had friends, family, and peers diagnosed, some winning their battles, some still fighting, and unfortunately some losing their battles. Sam Shumadine, one of our peers at Norfolk Academy, was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in spring 2022. The Livestrong Club coined the term #shumiestrong and had T-shirts made to raise money for Livestrong in honor of Sam.
Mack: More than enough of my loved ones have been diagnosed with cancer, and I have loved being able to introduce Livestrong to them throughout their journey.
4. What do members of the Livestrong Club do? Is there one event that has been particularly impactful to you?
Sydnie: Members of the Livestrong club meet as a club biweekly or once a month to plan events, write cards for cancer patients, count money raised for Livestrong, listen to guest speakers, and partake in the Livestrong in Schools curriculum. Students also participate in community events, volunteer in races for Team Livestrong, raise funds and awareness, support their peers who have a loved one battling cancer, and educate others about the Livestrong Foundation.
Brooke: My favorite has been the “Lovestrong for Livestrong” [Valentine’s Day] event, because the entire school is involved and it has garnered a lot of enthusiasm and attention for Livestrong and keeps growing every year.

James: The event that impacted me the most was shortly after the diagnosis of my close friend and neighbor, Sam. I set up a T-shirt sale with his name on the back and the Livestrong logo on the front with the proceeds being donated to the pediatric cancer ward at the local children’s hospital.
Sydnie: Watching the entire school and larger community come together to buy #shumiestrong shirts, both times, has definitely been very impactful to me. We were able to raise so much money in donations for the trial that Sam was a part of. This past January, after both Ben and Sam had passed away, I was able to help the new Livestrong Club presidents at Norfolk Academy design another round of the #shumiestrong T-shirts and watch as they advertised, sold them, and raised money in honor of their friend Sam. This event as a whole shows the impact that the Livestrong club has had on the Norfolk Academy community.

5. What’s something new you have learned as part of the Livestrong club?
Brooke: Like adults, students who are diagnosed with cancer vary in their willingness to share their experience. We need to be aware of this and respect those who wish to be more private in their experience. I have also learned that everyone needs support. Finding out what type of support best suits the person undergoing treatment as well as their caregivers is an important factor.
Mack: Since joining Livestrong at NA, I have learned that almost everyone knows someone who has been diagnosed with cancer or has been affected by cancer. I have also learned the importance of educating people about carcinogens and how to support someone who has lost a loved one or is watching a loved one fight their battle.
6. What impact do you think the Livestrong club has had on the Norfolk Academy community and your high school experience?
Mack: The Livestrong Club at NA has had a massive impact on our community in the past couple of years. After the NA community had one of its students diagnosed with cancer and then, unfortunately, lost their battle, it proved to everyone just how important this education and foundation is. There is no right journey to follow or right words to say, but there is a way to make that journey a little bit easier through the Livestrong organization.
James: The Livestrong club has made an extremely positive impact on the NA community, especially in the wake of Sam’s diagnosis as it really seemed to pull the community closer together.
Sydnie: The impact the Livestrong Club has had on the Norfolk Academy and Hampton Roads community is so grand. In the beginning, we had no idea the effect this group could have on the entire community. This club is one of, if not the largest club at Norfolk Academy and has raised thousands of dollars for the Livestrong Foundation.
Brooke: It has brought the community together and has made it stronger. I know it has made my connections with my students and the faculty stronger!
7. What does the word “Livestrong” mean to you?
Brooke: Lots of things: It is a reminder that there are organizations and people out there who want to help those with a cancer diagnosis. It helps me to remember that I am a strong person and have undergone a lot of adversity. It encourages me to live the best life possible.
Sydnie: Living strong, being well, having a positive outlook on life, supporting those around you, uplifting others and giving back to your community.
Mack: The word Livestrong means two things. One is just living strong. Doing my best and being grateful with what I am offered and showing the people around me how to live strong. Second, it represents passion and love for helping and supporting people who are affected by cancer in any way. This word has become a part of who I am, what I stand for, and what I want to do with my life.