Linking Policy | Livestrong
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Website Linking Policy

Permission to link to the Livestrong Foundation (Foundation) Website is limited to:

  • Active registered Team Livestrong® Challenge participants
  • Partners or sponsors with formal affiliations with the the Foundation
  • Recipients of Foundation grants or sponsorships using language outlined in funding contacts
  • Organizations actively participating in cancer research that builds on the body of knowledge and services focused on improving the quality of life for people with cancer
  • Organizations providing high-quality information on cancer survivorship to help patients with cancer access the resources and the family, peer and community support they need to cope with their disease
  • Community nonprofit organizations serving the needs of cancer survivors as identified by the National Action Plan
  • Organizations that embrace the the Foundation’s mission to inspire and empower people affected by cancer
  • Individuals or Organizations that, through the approval of the Foundation, are members of Advocacy or Grassroots Fundraising groups.

The Foundation expects organizations that link to the Foundation Website to provide factually correct information and to uphold high ethical standards in developing and presenting information.

We do not evaluate linking to the Foundation Website on a case-by-case basis. If you do not fall in the above mentioned groups, by creating a link to the Foundation Website, you agree to be bound by the terms stated herein. The Foundation reserves the right to change these conditions at any time without prior notice.

(I) The link must be an active, text-only link clearly marked “Livestrong Foundation”. You may not use Foundation logos or trademarks.

(II) The relationship between the Foundation and your organization must be clearly communicated using one of the following descriptions. 

  • <COMPANY/ORGANIZATION NAME> supports the Livestrong Foundation
  • Supporter of the Livestrong Foundation
  • Livestrong Foundation (to be used when included in a listing of cancer Web sites)

(III) Links may only be directed to the Foundation homepage at Links to any other page of the Foundation Website are prohibited.

(IV) When activated by a user, the link must open the Foundation Website in a full screen and not within a frame on the linked Website.

The Foundation reserves the right to terminate any links to the Foundation Website at any time without cause or warning. If the Foundation chooses to exercise this right, you will be required to remove your link immediately.