Male Sexual Health After Cancer
One area of life that might change after cancer and treatment is the ability to have or enjoy sex. This is sometimes referred to as male sexual dysfunction. Whether the cause is physical or emotional, there are often ways to treat and manage concerns about sexual functioning after cancer.

You’ll need to discuss treatment options with your health care team. Some men feel uncomfortable discussing sexual concerns with others. However, your health care team can answer questions, refer you to a specialist and help you find solutions.
When to Start Thinking About Sex After Cancer
Some survivors may decide to wait for a while after treatment before having sex. Others may be ready right away. There is growing evidence that staying sexually active, especially having erections regularly after cancer treatment, may help men avoid worse problems as time passes. There are ways to prepare physically and emotionally for having sex again.
Here are some signs that it is time to talk to your health care provider about sexual functioning after cancer treatment:
- Inability to get or keep a firm erection (erectile dysfunction or ED).
- Loss of desire for sex.
- Difficulty reaching climax.
- Having a dry orgasm or a climax without any semen.
- Having urine leak out at climax instead of semen.
- Orgasms (climaxes) that don’t feel as good as they did before cancer.
- Pain in the penis or testicles during sex.
All of your physical and emotional concerns are important. Prepare talk with your health care provider. Write down questions and concerns about your sexual health before your medical appointments. If needed, ask for a referral to another health care professional who specializes in this area.
Effects of Cancer on Sexual Functioning
Certain types of cancer, such as those that affect organs in the pelvis, may put survivors at risk for problems. These include prostate cancer and cancers of the bladder, colon, or rectum. Men treated for prostate cancer have higher rates of dysfunction–up to 75 to 85 percent.
Sexual functioning challenges can become more common in men as they get older. For example, about half of men without a cancer history will experience erection problems by age 70. This means that older male survivors may experience sexual functioning problems later in life that are not related to cancer or the treatment they received.
Other factors can also affect sexual functioning. For example, men are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction if they are overweight, smoke, or drink heavily. In addition, other health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease or diabetes may also affect a man’s erections.
The emotional effects of cancer may contribute to survivors feeling anxious, depressed or self-conscious. This can also create stress for a partner. In some cases, the result may be challenges with sexual functioning. Working with a licensed mental health professional to deal with these types of emotions is often very helpful.
The following table lists some of the possible causes of sexual dysfunction and issues that can be discussed with your health care team:
Cancer Treatments |
Physical Effects |
Symptoms |
Removal of testicles
Hormone therapy for prostate cancer Intensive chemotherapy Radiation near testicles |
Low testosterone levels | Loss of desire for sex
Trouble feeling excited during sex Erectile dysfunction Trouble reaching an orgasm |
Radical prostatectomy
Radical cystectomy Abdomino-perineal resection Damage to blood supply of nerves after pelvic radiotherapy Toxic side effect of chemotherapy |
Damage to nerves near prostate | Trouble getting and keeping erections |
Damage to blood vessels during pelvic surgery
Scarring of blood vessels from pelvic radiation therapy |
Damage to blood flow to the penis | Trouble getting and keeping erections |
Removal of lymph nodes in men with testicular cancer
Surgery on some parts of the colon |
Damage to nerves controlling outflow of semen during orgasm | Having a “dry orgasm” with a feeling of pleasure but no semen coming out of the penis
Orgasms may not feel the same as they did before cancer |
Radical prostatectomy
Radical cystectomy |
Removal of prostate and seminal vesicles | Having a “dry orgasm” with a feeling of pleasure but no semen coming out of the penis
Some men leak urine at the moment of orgasm Orgasms may not feel the same as they did before cancer |
Radiation therapy for prostate,bladder,or rectal cancer | Radiation near the prostate and seminal vesicles | Having an almost “dry orgasm” with a feeling of pleasure but little or no semen coming out of the penis
Orgasms may not feel the same as they did before cancer |
Partial or total penectomy to treat cancer of the penis | Removal of part or all of the penis | Erection possible after partial penectomy
Orgasms and ejaculation continue to be possible, but after total penectomy, semen comes out of new opening on the area behind the testicles |
Finding Help for Male Sexual Health
It’s best to talk to your health care provider about sexual functioning even before cancer treatment begins. After treatment, you can work with your health care provider after pelvic surgery or radiation therapy to try medical treatments that promote erections in order to optimize the chance of maintaining or recovering good sexual function. Counseling, medical treatments and surgery are all options to treat cancer-related sexual problems in men.
Sexual Functioning Concerns | How to Find Help |
Loss of desire for sex after cancer |
Erection problems (erectile dysfunction or ED) |
Concerns about orgasm |
Pain in the penis or testicles during sex |
Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction
Below are treatment options for erectile dysfunction along with some the pros and cons. Talk with your health care team about the best options for you. You can research information at WebMD Erectile Dysfunction Health Center.
Pills (PDE-5 Inhibitors) | Pros
Vacuum devices | Pros
Penile injections | Pros
Penile suppositories | Pros
Penile prostheses | Pros
Herbs and vitamins | Pros
Your health care team can help you learn more about how to treat concerns and improve your ability to enjoy sex again. There are many ways to enhance and share pleasure and closeness with your partner. Even survivors who no longer have sex are able to find ways to continue to enjoy affection and closeness with their partners.